dixonlakeresortmn@gmail.com Ice Hot Line 1-218-659-4002
Reunion, Work Trip & Wedding Packages
Family reunion or large groups. Would love to do a Wedding. We can put together a package custom made to fit your needs.
48 Adults: We have 8 cabins with enough beds on the resort to sleep 48 with out using futons or roll/away.
64 Adults: Using all available sleeping space in all 8 cabins. 1 Person per futon, all futons are fulls. 2 persons per full/queen bed & 1 person all roll away's.
Grandma's RV: Also have spots to park an RV by the cabin with 110 outlet, water available and dump station near by. These are $30 a night or $190.
Reunion Reservations: Once arrangements have been made with the trip coordinator. Each person or family will be assigned a cabin or sharing a cabin. I will have a list of names on a spread sheet. These individuals can call and reserve their cabin asking for "say Smith Reunion or Jones Wedding". We take a deposit for their cabin and give them the appropriate discounts.
Per Person: If we are doing it by person we will work with the coordinator getting a list of names set up on a spread sheet. The individuals then can call saying they are with the Brothers Spearing trip, or the Talmic's Ladys Weekend and we will take a $50 deposit per. person set up a spread sheet to show who has paid. This takes the pressure off the trip coordinator and helps persons with commitment issues as all deposits are non refundable.
Payment: Payment is to be made at time of check in. Includes all package deals, fish/dark houses, meals.
Free Quotes: We can set it up so its a price per person making the planning and pricing easier on everyone. Can do 3 days or full weeks.
Lodge/Kitchen: We hand over the lodge and kitchen for you to cook your meals. The bottom of refrigerator and some freezer space for your groceries. We will be there to assist, but cooking, dishes and clean up are yours. Any beer, pops or set ups are at additional charge.
$100 a night or $500 for the week. Can switch this for the pontoon on reunion package.
Pig Roast. Todd has a pig roaster so we can set up one special evening of BBQ. Whole pig or just loins and all the fixens. Bake beans, mac n cheese, smoked veggies, and cowl slaw. $600 plus price of pig or $400 for loins. Nice for big group, Fishing opener, Hunting opener, or your reunion or wedding. We can give you a free quote.
Pontoon Boats: We have 2 pontoon boats so they can be part of your package. $150 a day or $700 for the week.
4 Cabins: Take 10% off the price of each cabin
6 or more cabins rented: Take 10% off of each cabin
+ Pontoon you pay for gas. We do have 2 pontoons.
Or the lodge for your meals. If you want or need both just ask as we can work it into the quote.
Your group does the cooking and clean up. Any pop or beer is at an additional charge we will be there to help.
Were we cook all your meals for your group. Pre planed menu for your group breakfast and supper. Lunch is on your own. Breakfast includes, coffee, milk or juice. Supper includes water and desert. All adult beverages and pop are paid per person at time of meal. Package is paid for at check in. 3 day stay 2 suppers 2 breakfast $50 Add $15 for each additional supper $10 each additional Breakfast.
Make it a week includes, 6 suppers 1 is a fish fry
(bring in your fish) and 6 breakfast.
$150 per person + tips added to your cabin. 1 night and 1 breakfast on your own.
Does not include Bait, Tax, Tips or Beer.
Fall Specials: September/October rent for 3 or more days and take 10% off cabin stay.
Fall Bird Dog Special: Your bird Dog stays for free. Same rules apply. Clean up after your dog, kept quite, off furniture, and under your control at all times. If your pet is found running loose he will need to be kept on a leash.
Mid Week Special: When available book for 3 or more days Sunday to Thursday take 10% off stay.
Reunion or Wedding Special's & Packages
American Plan
Fall Special
Walleye Retreat
4 twins Rated for 6
1 queens 1 Full Sleeps 8 no futons
1 kids futon chair Sleeps 10 with 1 per futon 12 with 2.
2 futons
2 bathrooms one tub one shower $250 per night for 6
$260 per Nov. to March
$1500 for a week.