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Wild Life Cabin open Jan 23rd weekend

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49442 Dixon Lake Resort Rd.  

Squaw Lake, Mn 56681

wifi ready resort image.jpg
 Email as not always by the phone If I missed you a am sorry.
Ice Hot Line 1-218-659-4002
This year's Spear Winner 118_ of fish
Great Day on the Ice.
37" Wounded Warriors 2024
Our Wounded Warriors Weekend
Northern Lights over Winnie Dec_edited
Frosting for trees
My First Northern Speared
Frost on third river
Northern Lights over Dixon Lake Resort.
Ice Guidelines MNDNR
Just neat
Dandy Sunny
Crappie right through the spear hole
15.25lbs. 37"
Crappie On
Wounded Warriors Weekend 2023
Having Fish Tonight
25" Walleye Caught through the Spear Hole
Nice mess of Northern_edited
A few panfish coming through 12/23
Beaver Moon

Happening Now

 Welcome 2025

          Third River ice is now at 22". With all these days in the - it is making some ice now. Spearing has been all over the place with a lot of action on some days and not so much on others. Still seeing a lot of walleyes and even caught a few this weekend in the bitter cold right through the spear house. Seeing some pan fish off and on. Ice is in great shape you can pretty much drive anywhere. The pressure ridge is in the same place it is each year and roomer has it there is no way over or around it. So plan on fishing this side.   

          We have the Wildlife Refuge (4 b/Room 2 bath) cabin open for the weekend of 23rd 24th and 25th of Jan. We also have a few other weekend openings and some during the week so give us a call.  

          Good luck out there you guys and be safe.  

          Know your DNR Rules on ice etiquette Mainly keep our ice and waters clean. Nothing is to be left on the ice or on the bottom of the lake.  This means no beans, eggshells, no garbage is to be dropped in the hole. No peeing on the icehouse, or on the ice. 

Simply this Pack it in Pack it out.

More details on the DNR website. 



                Dixon Lake Resort is situated deep in the Chippewa National Forest on the quite waters of Dixon Lake. Only minutes away from lake Winnibogoshish (winnie) and all that northern Minnesota has to offer. Cute cozy lake side cabins, seasonal RV sites, ATV trails at end of the drive, open year around for all hunting seasons, open for ice fishing and have ice house rentals, and dark house rentals. Spearing the third river and sight fishing. Thanks for checking us out, if you have any ?s just give us a call 1-218-659-4612 or drop us a line

 Thanks for stopping in. Have a Fantastic Day.

Photo Tour of Dixon Lake Resort

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Dixon Lake Resort  

 We have a little bit of everything as a full service resort, including lake-side cabins, seasonal-RV-sites, hunting, ATV-trails, dark-house-spearing on Lake-Winnibigoshish-third-river-flow-age, children's-activities, lodge w/bar restaurant. Great supply of fun for the whole family, group of friends, -reunions-, guys' fishing/hunting trips, or that get-away you've been looking for.


A little about us: 

         Dixon-Lake-Resort is located deep in the Chippewa-National-Forest of Northern Minnesota. Only 5 miles from Lake-Winnibigoshish.  We are surrounded by wilderness, offering  that backwoods "off-grid vacation" you may be  looking for. Great walleye-fishing, pan-fishing, and bass-fishing on this secluded little lake, miles of gentle ATV-trails,  bird-watching, deer-hunting, bear-hunting, grouse-hunting, duck-hunting, or just just a get away with family and friends. A great place for relaxing in the shade and listening to what nature has to say.   

        For fishing, Dixon Lake has a great walleye-fishing in the spring and early summer, along with big crappies,  sun-fish and perch.  Large and Small-Mouth-Bass add to the fun of pan-fishing. The ever hungry northern-pike will keep things interesting.  Dixon is a smaller lake at just under 700 acres. What a great lake to poke around, take a sunset cruise, or tow the kids on a tube!  85% of this pristine lake is surrounded by national forest, so what you see across the lake is trees, a few islands, weed beds and an interesting shore line. With fishing-off-the-docks there is no need to go anywhere else.  

         Winnibigoshish's-Third-River-Flo-wage is only five miles away.  Red-Lake is only forty-five minutes away and with other area lakes near by, Dixon-Lake-Resort is the perfect location.

          The lodge offers a bar and restaurant with    beer and set-ups, a simple menu, free Wi-Fi, pool table, Foosball table, board games, books and more. We sell bait, some tackle, fishing licenses, and a few grocery items for your convenience.  The lodge is uniquely decorated with items lovingly created by our youngest guests, during  our craft sessions.  Inspiring murals painted by a local artist also decorate the bait room walls.   Its just fun to simply  look around and discover what's new.  This is a fun and exciting  family-owned and operated resort where kids rule!  

           Fun for the kids is  our sandy-shoreline, shady-play-ground, our -crafts- time and fun scheduled children activities, most with a nature theme.  Not limited to kids. Moms can have fun, too. It is amazing what you can do with a pine cone,  a rock, some sand, add kids and you have a great vacation.  Check out the new playground. We spiffed things up a bit and the kids just flock to it.

          This is a quiet resort with lake-side-cabins so close to the water's edge, we hope you don't sleep walk.  You will get the  peacefulness needed to wipe away the stress from your life!

            So come and check us out! We have a spot in the shade with your name on it!

This is one of those places where you make memories that will last a lifetime. Come join the family. 

Full-Service Resort

WiFi Internet - Volleyball Net - Horse Shoe Pits - Swimming Beach - Paddle Boats - Canoe - Kayaks - Children's Playground - Swing Set - Kids Zip Line - Craft Time - Pool Table - Fosse Ball Table - Board Games - Children's Toys - Bait & Tackle - Fishing Licenses - Bar & Refreshments - Resort Restaurant - Basic Supplies - Movie Rentals - Books & Magazines - Laundry Facilities - -- Cable TV - DVD Players - Picnic Tables - Fire Pits - Charcoal Grills - children activities & More!

family resort: fishing resort: walleye fishing: pan fishing; fishing off the docks: lakeside cabins: Lake Winnibigoshish: Lake Winnie: Reunion Cabins: family reunion resort: Chippewa Resort: Northern Minnesota Resort: ATV Trails: Full Service Resort: Off the Grid Resort: Children's activities: Nature Crafts: Sandy Beach: Northern Pike Fishing: Spearing: Spear House Rentals: 

* Additional basic supplies can be purchased from the resort store.

© 2018 Dixon Lake Resort. All Rights Reserved.

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